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OC Housewife Alexis Bellino Talks To Dr. Drew

Earlier this week, Real Housewives of Orange County star Alexis Bellino revealed that she has struggled with an eating disorder. Following her admittance of the disorder, she spoke with Dr. Drew in an effort to set the record straight.

Bellino spoke about when the disease began, and sited that it was what was "eating her" not what she was eating that became the problem. At 12 years old her parents divorced and her inability to control the situation was one of the major reasons that she began purging. She also went on to say that gaining a few extra pounds in college only escalated the issue. When she realized that a friend was also doing the same thing, she continued on. She admitted to starving herself, binging, purging and even using laxatives.

It wasn't until she sought out help that she was able to get to the root of the problem. She began seeking the advice of a counselor and after her mother physically brought her to get help. Alexis Bellino admits that the battle was long and took many years to overcome, but that today she is happy to be healthy and in good spirits.

Credit: Gather Celebs (Sistiano Giordano)