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selena gomez face

selena gomez face. Selena Gomez is using her
  • Selena Gomez is using her

  • iMikeT
    Aug 24, 10:08 PM
    I'll believe it when I see it.

    selena gomez face. selena gomez. why i like her ?
  • selena gomez. why i like her ?

  • Fukui
    Mar 21, 07:18 PM
    Thats not the least bit true ! and if you lived in Japan - you would understand. I don't mean to be rude at all. Dell for example has desktops for under 100 000 yen (about $1 200 US)....

    Yea, actually they have even cheaper ones, and dells are starting to take over business buying in Japan, just like america will inflate thier numbers.
    BTW, companies like sony/apple will probably never get as large share as dell becuase businesses just want cheap boxes, but Japanese PEOPLE I would say buy higher quality computers (mac or pc) than busineses do. If you research consumer market share apple is pretty healthy, just like sony, though they (apple) may actually make a profit on them.

    selena gomez face. Selena Gomez#39;s funky flirty
  • Selena Gomez#39;s funky flirty

  • skottichan
    Apr 1, 01:02 AM
    CoreAudio still seems bugged to hell. 15" 2010 MBP with an i7 and 8GB of RAM, and I get skips on store-bought (so theoretically perfect) AACs when tabbing between simple apps like TextEdit and Mail and such. I mean, if I was in Aperture with a 40GB library open or something it'd be excusable... this? Not so much.

    selena gomez face. girlfriend Selena Gomez
  • girlfriend Selena Gomez

  • milo
    Aug 29, 09:02 AM
    Incredibly underwhelming.

    If they're going to stay yonah, at least bump the clock speed more than that.

    The only upside to this is that it leaves a HUGE gap between the mini and Pro, could mean that apple really is planning a conroe minitower/pizzabox/mediacenter.

    That, and the fact that ThinkSecret is NEVER right. EVER.

    selena gomez face. selena gomez short hair
  • selena gomez short hair

  • TerryJ
    Jul 14, 08:25 AM
    As purely a data storage format, obviously Blu-ray has the potential to store more data than HD DVD.

    However, as someone who has been following the whole BD vs. HD DVD consumer video format war, and as someone who has bought an HD DVD player (and, until recently, had a BD video player on order), at this (albeit early) stage of the game, HD DVD is the superior video format.

    HD DVD has 30gb dual layer discs available (almost all the latest video releases on HD DVD are 30gb dual layer.) There are many more titles available for HD DVD right now (probably because it's been out longer and the discs themselves are easier to manufacture.) HD DVD uses a more efficient codec (Microsoft's VC-1, which is akin to H.264, in that it's much much more efficient than MPEG-2.) HD DVD titles have either Dolby Digital Plus (a higher bit-rate multichannel audio codec) and Dolby TruHD (a lossless multichannel audio codec).

    BD only has 25gb single layer discs available now. Apparently the 50gb dual layer discs are hard to manufacture and the yields are not ready for prime time. No BD retail video discs are above 25gb single layer. No timetable for 50gb discs has been announced. The video is MPEG-2, meaning it takes up more space on the disc. And, the most recent BD releases all suffer from more MPEG artifacts than any HD DVD releases. BD audio is either standard Dolby Digital or space consuming uncompressed PCM audio (which sucks up even more disc space, leaving even less for video.)

    The current Samsung BD player actually has the same (Broadcom) chip that the current Toshiba HD DVD player has in terms of outputing video... and it only outputs 1080i. The Samsung player tacks on another (Faroudja) chip to deinterlace it, so it outputs 1080p (so BD can say "we output 1080p!"), except, that chip apparently stinks and makes the picture somewhat soft. In reality, any HDTV worth its salt can easily deinterlace 1080i signals, so the whole "we output 1080p" is a false advantage anyway. Both BD and HD DVD discs store the video as 1080p, by the way.

    So, what you have, on the video front, BD has a smaller capacity disk with less efficient video and audio codecs (that look and sound worse). And it is TWICE the price ($500 vs. $1000). And has less titles. And is late.

    If you read any reports on BD video quality vs. HD DVD video quality on boards like AVSforum.com, HD DVD beats BD hands down.

    Who knows how this video format war will shake out, but Blu-ray is way behind right now.


    selena gomez face. Blake Lively and Selena Gomez
  • Blake Lively and Selena Gomez

  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 21, 12:21 PM
    has anyone actually used the app in question? The data is so wildly inaccurate as to make it pointless. Even recompiling it with a 1000 times more accuracy has me placed in locations I haven't been to since I go an iPhone. So the question is not one of data, per se, but data accuracy: law enforcement have known about this for ages. If my iPhone says I was near a scene of crime, but I disagree, I bet I know which side the police would go with. That is the trouble with this data.

    The data may not be accurate, as it's main purpose is to track cell towers, not the user.

    selena gomez face. selena-gomez-funny-face.jpg
  • selena-gomez-funny-face.jpg

  • antster94
    Apr 19, 10:57 AM
    Fairly predictable, still good to hear though. Heres hoping for an i7-2600!

    selena gomez face. selena gomez face shape.
  • selena gomez face shape.

  • leekohler
    Mar 24, 01:01 PM
    Oh FFS!!! :rolleyes:

    How many times more are we going to have to argue this?

    It is not a choice.
    I no more chose to be gay than you chose to be straight.

    Christ! Sometimes this forum reminds me of a Whack the Mole game� hit one on the head and another pops up.
    Same stuff over and over�

    And people wonder why I get frustrated and end up telling people off. That kind of BS gets old. I've been fighting that kind of ignorance for over 25 years now- others even longer. It gets very tiring, but we still can't stop fighting it.

    selena gomez face. selena gomez new haircut.
  • selena gomez new haircut.

  • lordonuthin
    Nov 8, 07:00 PM
    Originally Posted by SciFrog
    Got #7 spot on the team!

    Now it gets much harder, a month and a half at least.

    The team is doing great with 230k PPD 
    we should maintain our rank at least, but I have a feeling many windows teams have not discovered the bigadv units yet. Rumor is if GPU3 is stable, it might make it to Linux.

    The higher you get the lonelier you are :p I'll be there soon enough...

    I was thinking bigadv units weren't available on windows, just Mac and linux, maybe I misread that.

    congrats. i sure hope GPU3 makes it linux. that would really get us some more points

    If gpu3 runs well on linux a lot of people will start getting more points I suspect - like me - I just haven't had time to mess with gpu2 for a while so I hope they get it out soon!!

    selena gomez face. Selena Gomez Short Straight
  • Selena Gomez Short Straight

  • diamond.g
    Mar 24, 03:47 PM
    Anytime OS X detects quartz, OpenGL, etc. it kicks in. You get the idea. Generally when those are detected you tend to be doing something that will require heavy load(or heavier load).


    Like running the new FF 4 (which appears to trigger the dGPU now for no apparent reason). Or when Safari needs to update its thumbnails and the dGPU kicks on.


    Hopefully Apple will improve the switchover to make it more frugal.

    selena gomez face. get enough of Selena Gomez
  • get enough of Selena Gomez

  • X2468
    Mar 22, 09:53 AM
    I think that there's a good possibility that apps are not evaluated fairly.

    selena gomez face. selena gomez ring
  • selena gomez ring

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 31, 01:00 PM
    Well regarding defeating the Nazi's and the Axis powers, one can credit the US to turning the tide.

    Japan? Yes. The Nazis? Certainly not. The Soviets defeated the Nazis.

    And anyways, as skunk mentioned, there are fundamental differences between Iraq/Afghanistan and Libya. Political opposition (in the US at least)siezes on superficial similarities as evidence of this being yet another invasion. But it is not.

    selena gomez face. Selena Gomez Punched in the
  • Selena Gomez Punched in the

  • SactoGuy18
    Apr 12, 09:46 PM
    charlesdjones1, I think the picture you showed is a very likely new "look" for the iPod classic--the "7G" model. It will get a smaller click wheel but larger display for better viewing of video, and will up the storage capacity from 160 GB to 220 GB with the new 1.8" hard drive.

    Though I'm sure Apple wants to ditch the iPod Classic in favor of a 128 GB iPod touch, the current tight constraint on flash memory production may conspire against doing this.

    selena gomez face. Video Premiere: Selena Gomez#39;s
  • Video Premiere: Selena Gomez#39;s

  • Mercury
    Apr 2, 07:02 PM
    interesting. Wonder if they'll keep variations of this in rotation while adding model-specific ones?

    selena gomez face. Selena Gomez was tweeted
  • Selena Gomez was tweeted

  • gkuhn
    Feb 24, 05:45 AM
    To be honest it may be more that those in Europe aren't looking for pure horse power as we seem to be wanting here in the US...living very well with the power of my "base" 4 banger 2003 Subaru Baja...

    We don't have big blocks here in Germany. Compared to a gasoline engine, driving a diesel engine is much more fun (due to higher torque). More than 70% of BMW 7-series and Audi A8 are sold with a diesel engine. Even Porsche is offering diesel as an option for the Panamera.
    Diesel engine is a nice combination of driving fun and fuel saving.

    selena gomez face. Selena Gomez face1 50 Latest
  • Selena Gomez face1 50 Latest

  • Lord Blackadder
    Feb 22, 07:28 PM
    Why do Americans harbor hate for diesel? I'm not very familiar with the differences between the fuels, other than gasoline is more refined.

    In brief:

    selena gomez face. selena gomez face shape.
  • selena gomez face shape.

  • Icaras
    Apr 19, 11:58 AM
    desktops are slowly but surely dying out. Notebooks are becoming more and more powerful and even moreso portable so what will an iMac offer that MacBooks won't have? Larger screen

    Which is why desktops won't die out.

    selena gomez face. Selena Gomez - Face The Music
  • Selena Gomez - Face The Music

  • Cougarcat
    Mar 31, 10:02 AM
    I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that really likes the look of the new ical

    I like it. Much better than Address Book's UI, which I don't care for.

    selena gomez face. selena gomez 3. FACE:
  • selena gomez 3. FACE:

  • MacSA
    Sep 6, 12:11 PM
    Is it just me, or does the $599 mini *not* let you configure it with a DVD burner?

    Apple want you to "upgrade" to the more expensive model. The superdrive was a BTO option of �30. That Superdrive probably costs Apple �5, and they're still using a Combo Drive, which must cost them 99p

    Im going to give this Mac Mini a miss.

    Oct 23, 11:05 PM
    yes, my macbook pro will not support 64 bit instructions. i was fully aware of that when i bought it.

    leopard is confirmed to be 64 bit all the way through -ie the user interface is as well. i do agree that 64 bit GUI applications will surface but you can't say that all 32 bit machines will be massively disadvantaged and become redundant.

    what you have implied is that the 64 bit thing will be so massive and make so much of a difference to your computing experience that a 64 bit notebook computer is essential.

    btw - the g5 has been out for years. umm wait. it's 64 bit too :rolleyes: where are the MAINSTREAM apps that utilise the 64 bit facility of tiger??


    Considering we are talking about a Pro machine I hope you are not refering to "consumer" when you say "mainstream". If so, then get a clue. Fact of the matter is, 64-bit will improve the experience across the board but specifically it will aid the intended users of this machine most: pros. There is a Pro there for a reason. But I'll bite: I'm pretty sure Final Cut Pro, Aperture, Logic and Photoshop (I could go on, but to help you save face I'll stop here) are all mainstream pro apps and will all definitely benefit from having an OS built to do more than simply accomodate 64-bit, but actually utilize it properly. Not to further strike you down but the only place that 64-bit instructions are possible (at least on the Intel side) is in Unix terminal apps in Tiger at the moment. That would seem to answer your question a bit. I'm pretty sure the people that this machine is targeted towards will appreciate the benefits of 64-bit processing more than I could summarize (and way more than you could refute).

    To answer someone else's question, the current Core 2 Duo processor and accompanying chipset supports EM64T enabling 64-bit processing.

    Feb 13, 11:43 PM
    Looks like there is a problem with 6.29 client (at least for mac) where if you get an a1 unit after an a3 one, something goes wrong.

    dang. well all my computers are down back at my apartment, so my production will be very little. i just started folding on my mbp with an a3 unit, so we'll see how it goes

    Jan 12, 08:28 AM
    The most obvious reason behind the name MacBook Air for me is the removal of the wired Ethernet connector to the MacBook. There is two thing that prevent from making a very slim notebook: an optical drive and an ethernet connector (look at the ethernet connector on a MacBook, it take most of the height of the notebook).

    So the MacBook Air would be the first Apple notebook having only a wireless connection...

    And I agree that it will be made of aluminium...


    Mar 5, 11:23 PM
    Wirelessly posted (nokia e63: Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaE63-1/100.21.110; Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413)

    I've got it all running and installed, but it won't start computing! Really annoying Grr ill figure it out eventually.

    post what's going on. just make a new thread, so if anyone else encounters the same issue it may help them

    Jun 23, 04:52 AM
    While we have seen very interesting advancements in App design between iPhone and iPad, I wonder how iOS could scale up to a 'Desktop PC' form-factor (or screen-size) without looking like some "Fisher-Price" toy?