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  • skinniezinho
    Nov 27, 11:59 AM
    first pair of decent headphones.
    grado sr60i

    Good choice!I have the Alessandro MS1i (http://www.alessandro-products.com/headphones.html) wich are +- a mix of grado models and love them!

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  • PeteyKohut
    Jul 18, 07:42 AM
    List of things I don't want to hear one word about at the WWDC:

    iPod nano
    Mac mini

    The WWDC is now and always should be a professionally focussed conference. All technical, nerdy and Pro stuff - Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, Pro Apps, OS X development.

    All the other stuff can be updated in their own little events or quietly on the online store on or around the WWDC if needs be but the actual event should be totally professional stuff. That's why the developers pay the big bucks.

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  • Reverend Wally
    Oct 23, 10:56 AM
    As I have said before....

    "round and 'round and 'round she goes.....
    Where she stops....nobody knows


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  • picklescott
    Jul 19, 12:20 AM
    An article regarding this is now front page on Netscape's home page.


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  • MacMan86
    Apr 23, 11:44 AM
    for all your defending of this feature ... can you give me even one positive reason this is good for the average person that out-weighs the negative ones ... just one

    Well that's easy - it seems the purpose of this file is to help you find your location quickly. Without this cache you'd waste bandwidth, time and battery power to look up information that was fixed (cell tower locations). It also means your phone can find your location when you don't have GPS signal, or simply not bother to turn GPS on, which is a win because it consumes so much power. Seems like a pretty compelling use to me. Read this for more info: http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12432603&postcount=16

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  • Surely
    Nov 24, 11:09 AM
    A new case for my iPhone:


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  • fr4c
    Nov 23, 11:22 PM
    Psht. I can get that up here for free.
    No need to rub it in.

    Sent from the neighbors down south.


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  • *LTD*
    Apr 12, 10:19 PM
    No, I'm worried that FCP could be dumbed down too much to properly do the job at hand.


    You mean made easier to use?

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  • jeznav
    Mar 31, 05:07 PM
    Can anyone comment on under the hood performance improvements? CPU and RAM usage at idle?

    Preview 1 raped my Air

    I get 5% CPU usage on idle and 880MB ram usage on fresh boot.

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  • Jacquear
    Jun 24, 11:14 AM
    have fun carrying an iMac :)

    Lol! There will be someone who tries it I'm sure

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  • stcanard
    Nov 28, 02:15 PM
    It may not be true that they broke even, it's just something I thought I heard on a tv interview...

    I suspect its all in the definition, I'll bet the "Xbox Division" broke even, which would be a very different thing because that would mean the video games and licensing made enough money to balance the losses from the console. Of course make those games for the PS2, and they would have been profitable instead of break even, but that wasn't the point. The point was to gain foothold in a new market.

    Sony is selling the PS3 at a loss as well, Nintendo I'm sure is making money on the Wii...

    I don't think I'd hold up Sony as an example of how to innovate and market -- they lost their focus decades ago. Aside from the walkman, let's see what products has Sony pushed in the last 30 years...

    Memory Stick

    Now we sit back and see if the PS3 and Blu-Ray follow the recent trend. If we're comparing Microsoft to Sony that's what you have to look forward to.

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  • SheriffParker
    Jan 10, 09:24 PM
    can some body put as link to like a pic of a zoone


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  • OllyW
    Mar 22, 01:02 PM
    I don't believe any was born gay, that's my opinion. I believe you make the choice in your life, just like you make the choice on what career you want and college you desire to go to. I have friends that were once married (guy/girl) and then divorced because they liked their sex better. So now they are openly gay and happy. I have back and forth e-mails with them stating they consider it a choice. One of my friends is a writer for Lesbians and spoke in front of congress on this issue 2 years ago. I was with her and she even stated that it was a choice to become a lesbian and it's now America's choice to accept it for all for choose this path.

    I don't believe you, that's my opinion.

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  • rfahey
    Sep 14, 12:38 PM
    It isn't even September 30th. For all we know Apple may need more time to evaluate and extend the program another month. Where's confirmation that the program is canceled that day? I wouldn't go off touting that Apple's canceling a program that hasn't been canceled. What you're upset that Apple's not keeping us in the loop? When has Apple EVER kept us in the loop?

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  • Veg
    Feb 26, 03:21 PM
    Lamp: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BCDGMG

    External HDD: http://www.macally.com/EN/Product/ipod4show.asp?ArticleID=209

    Speakers: http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Z-3-Wood-Grained-Speakers/dp/B0000C20V3/ref=sr_1_12?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1298679238&sr=1-12

    iPhone stand: http://www.xtand.net/xtand.html

    Ha man you really did your research, how'd you find the lamp though?

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  • XForge
    Nov 16, 04:59 PM
    How long before it ends up in the MacBook Pro?

    I want my 8-core MacBook!! I want my 8-core MacBook!!!

    (also joking)

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  • Justin Bieber#39;s Birthday

  • Multimedia
    Aug 31, 08:19 PM
    Let's hope that those specs aren't the final ones. That they're just to clear inventory.

    I'm hoping for Merom based mac minis.. Merom costs the same so why not ?LIMITED SUPPLY of Merom for the first few months. mini will be the last to get C2D probably in November. But you've gotta give kudos to Apple for adopting the Merom Spec Yonahs into the mini right away. This way the switch to Merom in mini can be almost silent with no disruption to the flow of minis to the market.

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  • MCIowaRulz
    Apr 20, 09:23 AM
    So close... I'm going to finally upgrade from the dual 867Mhz G4 "Mirrored Door" from and am also running Tiger.

    I was using it daily till 2009 when I received a hand me down PC from 2006 in my sig which is getting me buy until the new iMac comes out.

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  • SciFrog
    Feb 9, 10:02 AM
    million = mio

    Apr 26, 01:29 PM
    It mostly has to do with if it is confusing. Apple has a trade mark on "App Store" to sell applications through an online store. Amazon is using "Appstore" and is selling applications through an online store. Apple has a pretty strong case that Amazon is infringing on their trademark. If Amazon used "Appstore" for a chain of tire rotating store, Amazon could probably be in the clear. As it stands they are too close in intended use. Microsofts strategy is to invalidate the trademark. It's up to the USPTO to decide on the trademark.

    Apr 12, 10:19 PM
    Some definite improvements but I wouldn't go as far as to call it a "jaw-dropper". I was really hoping to see more about how it integrates with the rest of the suite.

    Nov 28, 02:21 PM
    zune people don't seem to agree what it is bad. they just deny the true. here what they are ridiculous.


    I am pro Apple, But I've never read such pro Apple posts in all my life... I doubt many real Zune users got a look in since you linked to that! :D

    Jun 22, 09:11 PM
    Ah yes. A porn free, tightly censored, code controlled desktop machine. That's what everyone wants right? :rolleyes:

    Actually maybe.

    Apr 2, 05:16 PM
    On a happier note -- I don't think I've seen this mentioned yet -- DP 2 seems to be taking about 1.5gb less space.