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  • ojwk
    Jan 12, 07:29 AM
    People here seem to want to condone ANY decision Apple may wish to make. Already people seem to be defensive on the "MacBook Air" name which is probably just a rumor and also seem to be defensive of Apple's decision to remove the optical drive - something we don't even know will happen! People are defensive of Apple's decision to ship the new Mac Pros with the 8800GT and not something of higher spec, people are defensive of Apple's decision not to release a mid-tower.

    I'm a big Apple fan myself but sometimes I do see the point many anti-Mac people make that many Apple 'fanboys' will simply defend any decision Apple may or may not make! It doesn't show loyalty or devotion to the brand but a sheep like quality that really isn't desirable.

    If you can't formulate your own opinions on stuff then that really doesn't corroborate with the Apple marketing and ethos. "Think Different" etc..

    Say what? It may have a higher melting point than plastic, but it's the most recyclable material out there. Plastic often can't even be used in the same application multiple times, and ends up being "downcycled" into something completely different. Wikipedia says recycling aluminum is 95% more efficient than making it from ore; recycling plastic is only 70% more efficient than making it new.

    Very good point.

    Plastic is incredibly hard to recycle as there are many different types that need to be sorted and lots of those can't even be recycled. An example of this is the caps on plastic bottles of Coke etc. This material cannot be recycled - at least my local refuse authority refuses to deal with it.

    Aluminum on the other hand is definitely one of the most recyclable materials out there. It is a simple process of melting it down, purification and formation into ingots of aluminum.

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  • Selena Gomez Long Hair Style

  • maceleven
    Jan 13, 01:46 AM
    Apple and several other companies began lobbying the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates use of the airwaves in the

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  • Bertmg
    Mar 24, 10:57 AM
    Is time for Apple to get edgy again. imagine the possibilities of merging two not as popular but full featured products!!!

    If Apple were to merge iPod classic with Apple TV we can have a non existent a carry on TiVo/iPod gadget!

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  • Doctor Q
    Nov 28, 11:42 AM
    Money talks. A big ad campaign will produce much increased Zune sales.

    And it's also true for Apple. Many people buy iPods because they have seen all of those TV ads and billboards, not because they did extensive comparison shopping.

    Come to think of it, a good number of iPod purchasers are filling demands of their kids, who specifically plead for iPods. And kids are greatly influenced by advertising.

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  • BRLawyer
    Nov 16, 04:03 AM
    well, OSX whooped xp for multicore usage then

    Notwithstandign such long-standing facts, there are still some MS fanboys here who think Windows is better for multicore usage (not to mention multitasking, which has been ALWAYS better in OS X)... :rolleyes:

    Zune is dead, Windows is dead...face it.

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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 20, 07:22 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I'm very pleased about this- many countries working together following a proper UN resolution. Using air support and missiles but not troops.

    This also seems like a good example of cooporation, even though any country with a decent airforce could go it alone against Libyia right now! All sorts of countries involved, with France, UK and US doing most at the moment.

    I actually think having troops is better. "Firing missles and bombing" from great distances has a "disconnect" between people. When you have actual people fighting and even dying alongside you, both the citizens and the warriors appreciated it more and form more of a bond between people and cultures. It builds a "comraderee" of sorts and helps secure a pschological future between peoples....whereas, in this case, perhaps the only interaction we really have with Lybians is that the generals and politicians might go to meetings. Something the masses never experience for themselves.

    After something like this is over without them actually "enduring victory and suffering" with Westerners hugging them, many Lybians will still think...oh yeah, those are the infidels that helped us get Quadafi with their big guns. :p

    And even in the eyes of the opposition, it can have a negative effect in that you don't see them face to face when you kill them. It can be seen as a sign of "weakness" and "chickeness". This is what happened with Clinton shooting tomahawks at Bin Laden and then walking away brushing his hands. When you look in their eyes and shoot them, they know you mean business and respect and fear you as a warrior. Then they might think twice before they try to blow up your buildings when you're not looking. ;)

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  • pyramid6
    Apr 26, 01:29 PM
    It mostly has to do with if it is confusing. Apple has a trade mark on "App Store" to sell applications through an online store. Amazon is using "Appstore" and is selling applications through an online store. Apple has a pretty strong case that Amazon is infringing on their trademark. If Amazon used "Appstore" for a chain of tire rotating store, Amazon could probably be in the clear. As it stands they are too close in intended use. Microsofts strategy is to invalidate the trademark. It's up to the USPTO to decide on the trademark.

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  • Multimedia
    Nov 15, 05:55 PM
    For some time, Handbrake didn't use more than two cores - owners of Quad G5s reported CPU usage of exactly 50 percent, then someone changed it and Quad G5s reported 100 percent CPU usage.

    What we don't know: Was the code changed to use up to four processors, or as many processors as are available? Developers are usually very unwilling to ship code that they haven't been able to try out, so expect a version using eight cores about two days after the developers have access to an eight core machine.

    In the case of Handbrake, encoding to MPEG4 seems already limited by the speed of the DVD drive; you can't encode faster than you can read from the DVD. H.264 is still limited by processor speed. Using eight cores is not too difficult; for example, if you encode 60 minutes of video, just give 7 1/2 minutes to each core.I almost NEVER use handbrake from an optical DVD. That makes no sense to me. Why would you do that? :confused:

    I use Handbrake about 12-18 hours of every day and I use it after creating high quality DVD images from EyeTV HDTV recordings with Toast 7.1 UB. On a Mac Pro Handbrake can use more than 3 cores and Toast can use all 4 cores. This is why I want an 8 core Mac Pro. Once you start running Toast and Handbrake simultaneously, you see why those of us who do this kind of repetitive DVD Image creation for Handbrake to mp4 compression truly need 8-cores NOW. :eek:

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  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 23, 07:16 PM
    I think that one thing a lot of people have missed is a very palatable shift in how anti-gay groups are viewed after the passage of Prop 8. No longer is using your religious beliefs to deny civil rights to gays and lesbians seen as acceptable, it's now joined the ranks of racism and many hate groups who rightfully are not given an elevated place in a civilized society. Prop 8 has been called Stonewall 2.0, but I think it is more like the first Stonewall for those outside of the gay community. It woke a lot of people up to how the GLBT community is treated by an oppressive majority (in the last year they are no longer the majority, a tipping point has been reached and hopefully there is no turning back).

    Good point. The "Straight Stonewall."

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  • fenixx
    Sep 7, 09:45 AM
    I think it's funny that this is pretty much the only mention of Amazon in this thread... even though Amazon will be announcing a competing movie store in a few days with supposedly much more content than Apple's offering! :D

    P'rhaps because we are at a Mac-biased site,... this isn't AmazonRumors.com


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  • Selena Gomez has been making

  • MacPhilosopher
    Sep 14, 12:04 PM
    I just have a hard time picturing Toyota mailing me a new accelerator pedal and linkage and expecting me to install it. Wake up!

    But why should Apple provide a permanent fix when the problem hasn't affected sales too much, and they can come out with a fixed phone next year and get you to stand in line to buy it.

    Consumer Reports are doing exactly what their subscribers are paying them to do. I'm sorry if everyone isn't Apple Fanboys, but they get paid NOT to be anyone's Fanboy.

    Did you really just compare installing a complicated accelerator system in your car to putting a bumper or case on your phone? You are Funny.

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  • gr8whtd0pe
    Jan 21, 09:08 PM
    traded our CR-V in on Sunday, bought a 2011 Honda Odyssey EX-L


    You are officially a parent now. Your cool factor is gone. LOL jk. TURBO IT!

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  • nospeed411
    Feb 18, 04:41 PM
    I want that poster!!! Where did you get it?

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  • chrono1081
    Apr 12, 10:02 PM
    No, but having features like face detection does suggest that it's a 'consumer' orientated product.

    Personally, I don't mind. As long as all the old multitrack features are still available (and the price significantly drops, to say, $50-$300,) then I intend to buy it.

    Not necessarily. They added this to Aperture and at first I was skeptical but its actually very useful and lets me enter metadata easily and search easily. Its not perfect obviously but it takes a lot of extra work out.

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  • codymac
    Jan 8, 12:22 PM
    my 2003 540i M Wagon. upgraded w afe intake and remus exhaust. custom catback piping + resonator delete. stock 290HP/320torque :) 92K miles. next mod is prob full aluminum radiator + electric fan. i heard the cooling system starts degrading around 100K. got the water pump (replaced OEM plastic w metal impeller) and hoses done when i first bought it
    took on a 3200mi road trip last year-- really fun on the highway and surprisingly gets good highway mileage

    Great looking wagon!

    selena gomez who says video hairstyle. selena gomez who says video
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  • yg17
    Mar 22, 01:51 PM
    You're right, I apologize for being incorrect on the pledge.

    I have some shoe strings, a piece of gum and a ball of lint.

    Maybe we're just confused how someone who claims to be a director of IT (and presumably takes some college to become) can fail so hard at basic history.

    I'm not here to remember everything I learned, especially in a class I could have cared less about. If you asked me about "pythagorean theorem" I couldn't even answer that. Just because you are wrong on a piece of history doesn't mean your wrong on all other subjects (aside from math which I have stated that).[/QUOTE]

    I may not know the pythagorean theorem either, but if I'm going to participate in a debate over the pythagorean theorem, I'm going to make damn sure I know it.

    selena gomez who says video hairstyle. selena gomez who says music
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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 08:53 PM
    Wouldn't it be funny if they put Steve in jail?

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 12:15 PM
    If that is your idea of fun, you really need to get out more.

    See my post above for innocuous reasoning behind all of this. It's nothing like as sinister as you would like to believe. Data is not being sent back to Apple.

    An undocumented source proves your point, but Apple makes no reply to the allegations? I thought it was a "bug" in the software? And some police departments have known about it for a while too.

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  • stcanard
    Nov 28, 03:59 PM
    I would argue, that MS success isn't because of it's OS, it's because of third party support.

    Repeat after me:

    The monopoly is not Windows. The monopoly is MS Word.

    Apr 9, 05:01 PM
    Yes. Left or right hand drive. I prefer a right hand drive manual as I'm left handed. Lucky for me they moved the stick shift to the middle of the car from the outside many years ago.

    Apr 26, 01:57 PM

    besides others !!

    Guys, every trademark is made up of generic words. That's not what people mean when they say App Store is generic. What they actually mean is it is descriptive.

    Let's say I open a shoe store. 2 Trademarks :

    1- Shoe Box

    Both very generic words, same as everyone who argues "Windows! Amazon! Word! it's all generic!" say. However, I'm not trademarking an actual box that contains shoes. I'm trademarking a name for a store. The shoes don't even have to come in boxes.

    2- Shoe Store

    This one is descriptive. I'm opening a shoe store, I'm deciding to call it Shoe Store. So now, Yellow can't say "Yellow, the best shoe store around!" because that infringes on my mark. That's what people take exception with here. The mark seems descriptive and thus shouldn't be trademarkable. Apple themselves often refer to it in this descriptive nature in their financials and keynotes.

    Nov 24, 05:32 PM
    My Fav Colour

    Jan 5, 08:12 PM
    2000 clk 430

    Sep 1, 01:35 PM
    What is the chin. Though, i have heard people talking about it and they said that if there is a 23" it is possible for Apple to eliminate it.
    Read the first part of the thread. It's the white border underneath the display. It's where the parts are housed that don't fit behind the display. Well, maybe that's not entirely true. That space is needed for the space behind the display isn't big enough to house all the internals.

    So, when a 23" iMac would be released, it will have a whole lot of extra space behind that considerably bigger display. Thus, they might just drop the 'chin'.